I'm the supportive type

Life with type 1 diabetes requires constant support, and weā€™re so grateful to all of the supporters in our lives. Tell us, who in your life is the supportive type? Share with hashtags #ImTheType #MyGreatestSupporter & check out TheCortReport family's story below.


Thank your greatest supporter using our photo frames!

Want to thank your greatest supporter or show how you're the supportive type? Try out our supportive type Facebook photo frames below. Share with #ImTheType #MyGreatestSupporter

Learn the #DiaBasics

1.6 million Americans live with T1D; 5 million are expected to have it by 2050. Learn more about T1D with the #DiaBasics, then click through the videos to learn more about #ImTheType

Why do people with type 1 diabetes have to take insulin shots or wear insulin pumps?

Why do people with type 1 diabetes have to take insulin shots or wear insulin pumps?

Learn the #DiaBasics

When a person has type 1 diabetes (T1D), it means that their immune system attacked the beta cells in their pancreas. These beta cells created insulin, the hormone that helps turn food into fuel. Since their bodies no longer produce insulin, people with T1D have to give themselves insulin via shots or an insulin pump. WIthout insulin, their bodies will start to shut down from lack of fuel.

How much do people with type 1 diabetes manage day-to-day?

How much do people with type 1 diabetes manage day-to-day?

Learn the #DiaBasics

In order to manage their type 1 diabetes (T1D), a person must constantly monitor their blood sugar – the amount of glucose from food that is in their blood stream. Insulin must be dosed in precise amounts to convert blood sugar into fuel for the body, but other things affect blood sugar levels too – like water intake, amount and quality of sleep, types of food consumed, stress, sickness, outside temperature, and more. This is all a 24/7 job, constantly calculating and accounting for variables that cannot always be predicted.

What makes people with type 1 diabetes so resilient?

What makes people with type 1 diabetes so resilient?

Learn the #DiaBasics

Once a person is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D), they (and their support team) become fully responsible for being their own pancreas. A person with T1D must basically become their own doctor, personal trainer, nutritionist, mathematician, and more 24/7 for the rest of their lives until a cure for T1D is found.

With type 1 diabetes, the numbers add up

  • 0
    Footprint Calendar Icon
    Days living with T1D
  • 0
    Footprint Clock Icon
    Hours sleep lost
  • 0
    Footprint Finger Prick Icon
    Finger pricks
  • 0
    Footprint Syringe Icon
    Insulin needle injections
Nevaeh, T1D Warrior from TheCortReport YouTube Family

How much space does T1D take in your life?