Back to School T1D Tips

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When you live with type 1 diabetes (T1D), back to school is much more than new clothes and school supplies.  Here are some tips and reminders for families to make sure you’re prepared:

  • Notify your child’s school of the diagnosis.
  • Request that your endocrinologist send orders to the school, including dosage information and care recommendations, also known as the Diabetes Medical Management Plan (DMMP).
  • Prior to the start of school, plan a meeting with the appropriate school personnel such as nurse, classroom teacher, counselor and principal.
  • If your child attends a public school or a private school that receives any federal funding, discuss formulating a 504 plan with staff, parent and child responsibilities, including accommodations, emergency plans and daily procedures for monitoring blood sugar and insulin dosage.
  • Be sure to prepare in advance for class parties, field trips, holiday celebrations, extracurricular activities, sports, etc.
  • If your child with T1D is young, decide with the nurse (or designated school personnel) how you will communicate throughout the day…text, CGM, app, daily notebook, email, phone, etc.
  • Purchase extra diabetes supplies (test strips, batteries, alcohol wipes, infusion sets, glucagon, Calorie King book, etc.) to keep in the nurse’s office.
  • If your child rides the bus, contact the transportation department and inform/educate the bus driver.
  • Prepare “low snacks” to keep in classrooms where the child may travel and on the bus. Store extras in the nurse’s office.
  • Request a copy of carb counts from the district once their menu has been sent.
  • Determine if training is needed for staff or education for class mates.
  • For additional awareness and precaution, consider composing a brief, informational letter (including a picture of your child) to distribute to all school staff.

(This list is by no means comprehensive, but rather meant to assist with your planning and dialogue as you work cooperatively with your school.)


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