Getting Schooled with JDRF

Back-to-school season means a lot of preparation, especially for students living with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and their parents or caregivers. It requires paperwork, special planning and educating faculty and students about T1D and how the disease is managed at school.

The good news is that JDRF has resources available to help get the school year off to a healthy start.

  • Get guidance on developing strong parent-teacher partnerships in the JDRF School Advisory Toolkit
  • Exchange information, advice and support on JDRFā€™s online resource community
  • Create a school plan tailored for your needs as a newly diagnosed student with T1D, known as a 504 Plan.

Heading off to school with T1D can be overwhelming, but it doesnā€™t have to be. With the help of the JDRF community and our resources, you can start the year confident and prepared.