Pump Choice Should Be in the Hands of Those with T1D, NOT Health Insurance Plans

As many of you know, UnitedHealthcare (UHC) has limited insulin pump choice for children and adults through a new policy called a preferred pump agreement. JDRF believes that consumer choice is essential for the T1D community, and that an insurance company should never stand between a patient and doctor.

To that end, we have been acting on numerous fronts to change UHCā€™s policy. Weā€™ve met with top executives to make our case, and formally communicated our position to UHCā€™s CEO. Weā€™ve called upon allied organizations to weigh in. And, weā€™ve asked you — the T1D community — Ā to share your story. Since February, tens of thousands of you have emailed UHC and spoken out on social media. Thank you to all of you that have taken a stand on this important issue.

Our fight is not over until they change their policy. If we give up, this policy will remain and other health insurers may adopt similar policies. We cannot let that happen. We will continue to tell UHC, their board, and executive team why pump choice is essential. Please read the letter from JDRFā€™s new president and CEO to UHC, and take action here.