Disease-Modifying Therapies

Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system destroys the beta cells in the pancreas—making them dependent on external insulin administration for life. Disease-modifying therapies are a key component of changing that. 


Our Approach

JDRF is focused on developing drugs that change the course of T1D from everyone affected by it—and those yet to be. That means slowing or halting the progression of the disease, preventing it from ever occurring, and reversing it entirely.

Program Goals

Stop the immune system from attacking healthy beta cells, preventing T1D from ever occurring.

Spur beta cell growth safely and protect them, so people with T1D can live without life-long external insulin.

Develop treatments that can halt, slow or reverse the events that drive T1D.


November 1

FDA Approves Tzield™—The First Disease-Modifying Therapy for T1D

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves teplizumab, under the brand name Tzield, for use in delaying the onset of T1D in at-risk individuals. Learn more
May 26

Teplizumab is Under Review at the FDA

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulatory review is now under way for teplizumab—a therapy that blocks the blood marker CD3, which activates immune cells—to delay T1D in at-risk individuals.

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March 26

JDRF Partners with Lupus Research Alliance, National Multiple Sclerosis Society

Organizations team up to advance the understanding of autoimmunity and to obtain more specific insights into commonalities and differences of immune pathways that govern these disease processes.

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May 26

JAK Inhibitors Begin Human Clinical Trials

The BANDIT clinical trial began in Australia, to find out if a JAK inhibitor, called baricitinib, will preserve beta cell function in children and young adults with recently diagnosed T1D.

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March 26

INNODIA Begins Clinical Trials for Verapamil and Other Drugs

INNODIA-JDRF plan to begin clinical trials testing 4 different therapies and their combinations, continuing JDRF-funded research which discovered Verapamil’s ability to preserve beta cell function.

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Looking ahead

In the past decade, JDRF has invested more than $345 million in disease-modifying therapies, and there are several in human clinical trials. One therapy has even been submitted for approval and is awaiting a ruling from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Want to learn more? View JDRF scientists below for a presentation on JDRF’s efforts in disease-modifying therapies here.