HHS Freezes Rule Related to Insulin | What You Need to Know…

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Biden Administration has placed a freeze on all new published regulations from the previous Administration that had not yet been implemented. This includes a rule that was established to require community health centers (CHCs) to pass all ‘340B discounts’ for insulin directly to people with diabetes. This freeze wasn’t targeted at the insulin-specific bill, rather it was aimed at ALL rules established late in the previous Administration that have not yet taken effect. This practice is common between Administrations, and especially if the new President is from an opposing party.

This freeze will last 60 days, and gives the new Administration the opportunity to fully review the final rule and determine if it is ok as-is, should be revised, or thrown out.

For context, during the last Administration – and prior to publishing the final insulin rule – several key CHC stakeholders raised objections to the complexity of the rule compared to its limited impact, as they highlighted most CHC patients already received discounted drug prices. In other words, even without this rule, today people with diabetes can get low-cost insulin at CHCs. This and other means for securing affordable insulin are outlined in our T1D Health Insurance Guide.

As you know, JDRF continues to pursue and support comprehensive and systemic reforms that reduce out-of-pocket costs of insulin for people with T1D, including engaging with the new Administration and the new Congress. We will monitor the status of the delay to this proposed rule, and we will stay in touch with any relevant updates!