Fundraising Tips for Success!

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Want to support JDRF and fundraise for the Walk but need some ideas to start off your campaign?  Try implementing one or more of the activities listed below!

  1. Tell your story! When you have a loved one with T1D, your daily life becomes a compelling story!  Share the number of times you have to test blood glucose; the highs and lows of going back to school; the night you had to get up every 2 hours to test your T1 child because their numbers just wouldn’t come up.  Share the intimate things that most people don’t see or realize – sitting out an inning of their baseball game because of a low BG; missing recess because they had to wait at the office to test their glucose; not being invited to a birthday party because the other child’s parent was too worried about having the right foods.  Each and every part of your life is something that brings awareness, and could move your friends and family to make a donation.
  2. SHARE your story! Send out your messaging via multiple platforms!  Many people don’t utilize one or the other.  Email, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Blogspot, WordPress – they ALL matter!  You’ll capture a different audience with each post or email.  Make sure to include your donation link so people know exactly how to donate!
  3. Ask your friends to share your story! Everyone has a different network.  Ask five of your closest friends or family members to share your posts or forward your emails, BUT have them put their own spin on your post (i.e. have grandma forward your email, but have her include a brief intro about how hard it is to watch you and your child deal with this relentless disease; have your best friends share a brief intro about how it’s been an eye opener to have your child at their home for a play date).  You’ll likely reap the benefits of the exposure to a new audience of people, as well as a couple hundred in additional donations to your team!
  4. Self-Donate! Show your own personal support by donating to your own Walk Team.  Your friends and family will see your name on the donor roster and see that you are personally invested in JDRF’s mission and be more apt to donate.
  5. Hold an event! It doesn’t have to be difficult.  Often people are more willing to donate when they receive something in return.  Put together a yard sale, bake sale, book sale, boutique, auction, raffle, dinner, etc.  Solicit donations from your connections with local businesses to help keep the cost down and be able to donate more to JDRF!
  6. REGISTER TO WALK! It’s not too late (even the night before the Walk)!  Even if you only do a simple Facebook campaign, you are making a difference in the research being done that will CHANGE THE LIFE of your loved one.    Research is impacting the way this disease is managed in the near term, and huge strides are being made towards a cure.  Join us!  Visit to sign up TODAY!

Download our “JDRF_OneWalk_10_Ways_to_Raise_500” for more ideas!  You can also download an outline of the fun happenings you can expect on Walk Day: FY17 One Walk New Features.