Searching for Sitters: How to find a babysitter for your T1D family this summer


Summer is here and the question we hear the most at JDRF Rocky Mountain Chapter during this time of year is “How do I find a babysitter to care for my child with type 1 diabetes?”.   

The article linked below, written by our friends from, contains some great advice on finding a babysitter, training a babysitter, and feeling confident along the way.

Do you need help finding a local babysitter?  Check out the website, a company started by a babysitter with T1D to connect babysitters to the families who need them.  You can search by zip code to find sitters close to you or offer to provide babysitting services for families with T1D!

If you would like further support and a local connection, request to be contacted by a local T1D Connections Program Outreach Volunteer!  JDRF always has volunteers ready to reach out.  Their goal is to ensure that no one ever feels alone with type 1 diabetes.

We’re in this together.   Have a safe and healthy summer!   

Click HERE to read more about finding a babysitter for your T1D family!