Use Your Voice: Become a JDRF Advocate!

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Use your voice to help secure legislative support for research, influence sound policymaking and improve the quality of life for all those affected by T1D—until we find a cure.

To ensure people have access to the most effective T1D treatments and therapies, JDRF has set an ambitious advocacy agenda for 2018.

  • Invest in Innovation: Support continued funding for the Special Diabetes Program (SDP), which provides $150 million a year in T1D research.
  • Ensure Regulatory Frameworks That Promote Innovation: Ensure United States regulatory policies provide clear and reasonable pathways for scientific research and therapy approvals.
  • Promote Access for Life-Changing T1D Breakthroughs: Encourage health plan policies to cover physician-prescribed T1D therapies at affordable costs and advocate for national policies that protect those with chronic diseases like T1D.

Sign up to be a JDRF Advocate today!