New York City #T1DTally Campaign


National Diabetes Awareness Month

New York City

T!D tally

Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is all about the numbers: number of carbs in a meal, blood sugar levels, A1C, units of insulin, etc. This year for National Diabetes Awareness Month (NDAM), JDRF’s New York City Chapter wants you to share your numbers on Facebook and Twitter to help raise awareness and funds through our #T1DTally Campaign. Turn your numbers into fundraising dollars, and help us turn Type One into Type None!

Here’s how you can participate:Image Example_Samantha

1. Calculate the estimated number of times you’ve pricked your finger since you were diagnosed.*

2. Creatively represent your numbers in a photo or video. The two numbers to highlight are the # of years you’ve had T1D, and your total number of finger pricks.

3. Challenge your followers on social media to donate the low number to JDRF in order to eliminate the high number. For example, Samantha is challenging her friends and family to donate $23 to JDRF to ensure she doesn’t have to prick her finger another 41,975 times!

4. Use #noT1D and #T1DTally to tag your post, and direct your followers to this link to donate:

*If you don’t have type 1 diabetes, you can represent the numbers of a friend, family member, coworker, or child with T1D.

We will be tracking your posts using the above hashtags throughout November and reposting on our @JDRFNYC  Facebook and Twitter pages!