JDRF Mourns the Passing of Arthur Riggs, Ph.D.

It is with deep sadness that I and all of JDRF mourn the news of Arthur Riggs, Ph.D., passing. He was a brilliant scientist and person and was instrumental in the creation of the first genetically engineered human insulin, which went on to receive approval, under the name Humulin®, from the Food and Drug Administration in 1982. In honor of this groundbreaking work, JDRF bestowed its renowned David Rumbough Award in 1979 to Riggs and four others, for making human insulin a reality for the diabetes community, and bringing the biotech revolution under way.

He was a pioneer in the medical field, and many of the grants that JDRF awarded to the City of Hope were borne out of his vision. His impactful contributions to improve the lives of millions of people with diabetes, and many other health conditions, is an inspiring legacy, which future research will forever be built upon. He will be missed.

–Sanjoy Dutta, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer, JDRF