2018 JDRF Government Weekend

By: Bill Lane, JDRF Triangle/Eastern NC Chapter’s Advocacy Chair

Over 150 Advocacy Team Leaders converged on Capitol Hill in mid-March and held over 500 meetings with congressional and Senate offices.  Rather than an ask, our message was a simple and heartfelt “thank you” for passing a 2 year renewal of the Special Diabetes Program (SDP).  Within 1 week of its passage, more than 17 requests for new research projects to be funded by the SDP, were issued.

The new fiscal year budget is still a big issue, and will impact other diabetes related research.  There are only 38 workdays between now and July 4th for Congress to get any new bills passed.  Please continue to thank all members of Congress for renewing the SDP for 2 years at JDRF.org/SDPnow.

The Health Policy team continues to partner with the top 25 private health insurance providers throughout the country to discuss coverage pertaining to T1D. Join us in our letter writing campaign at www.coverage2control and click “WRITE YOUR INSURER”.  Insulin rebates range from 65-70% and passing those rebates on to the end users is a BIG deal.

Our in-district Promise to Remember Me meetings will be scheduled in late summer and early fall.  These will be followed my the New Member meetings for those officials newly elected during the mid-term elections.  Emails will be sent announcing the meetings and inviting your participation.