No Days Off from T1D


Even on the biggest days of their lives, T1Ds have to constantly manage their diabetes and think about things people without T1D take for granted. Weddings, graduation, prom, that big presentation for your job, even when they are on vacation – T1D is not.

Big life events are exciting and at times stressful for everyone. For each big day, there are so many more things that T1Ds have to think about on top of everything else. “Where will I put my pump when I wear my wedding/prom dress?” “What if I go low during my job interview?” “How will I have to adjust my diabetes management on the day of my big swim meet?” “Will they give me a hard time about bringing my supplies on the plane?”

Jessica, like all T1D brides, had to figure out how to deal with her diabetes on one of the biggest days of her life – her wedding day. But she, like most T1Ds, didn’t let diabetes put a damper on her and her husband’s big day. She just dealt with it.

Diabetes never rests and you can never take a break, even on one of the most important days of your life! – Jessica

For tips on managing your diabetes on your wedding day, check out some of these great articles by other T1D brides: