Have you asked Congress to continue funding type 1 research?

Earlier today, I received a reminder about JDRF Advocacy’s call-to-action asking us to call our Members of Congress and ask them to support a multi-year renewal of Special Diabetes Program (SDP) this year and prevent a 35% drop in federal funding for type 1 diabetes research. It got me thinking that I should remind our readers as well that if you haven’t had the opportunity to call Congress then please do so now!

Calling your legislator’s office early will help JDRF Advocacy know that Congress is hearing from type 1 advocates, especially if you log your calls. If you’ve already made your calls then please remind family and friends to join you in asking Congress to continue funding type 1 research!

Yesterday, I noticed that many of our advocates shared my blog post and this link, http://bit.ly/b1cZrk, to the ‘action’ page, on their Facebook and Twitter pages. Thanks for doing that, it really helped spread the word and allowed others to get involved and share their stories with their Members of Congress.

As I’ve mentioned in the past, the more of us that are in touch with our legislators the better relationships we’ll have with them. And, in turn, be able to help them understand why we must continue to search for a cure for diabetes through research! Keeping this mind, JDRF Advocacy will call you to action again in early December. We’ll remind Congress one more time that we need them to make certain that the SDP will be renewed before Congress adjourns for 2010.

Keep doing what you do and I’ll keep you posted on how we’re doing on Capitol Hill. Thanks again for the support!
