We Want Your Feedback!

The halfway point for the Promise Campaign, which is December 31, is approaching shortly! The first half of the Campaign was extremely exciting, with our advocates across the country helping us accomplish numerous goals. Campaign coordinators scheduled a record number of meeting in August, September, and October, and thanks to your efforts, we even met our goal of 250 meetings one month early!

As the first half of the Campaign comes to a close, we want your feedback on the Campaign progress thus far! We want to hear about your experiences, what you like about Promise, and what we can do better. Your feedback will help us in our approach to the last 4 months of the Campaign and hopefully reach our overall goal of 432 meetings!

After the New Year, we will be pushing full steam ahead with the Campaign to get the rest of the remaining meetings. Help us make sure we are make your Promise experience a positive one by leaving your feedback in the comments below!

P.S. Check back tomorrow for our new Campaign goal through the end of December!