Give the Gift of Promise

The holiday season is in full swing, and so is the 2011-12 Promise to Remember Me Campaign! The Promise Campaign is the perfect complement to your signature on the petition to the FDA last month. By attending a meeting, you can thank your Member of Congress directly for their support and assistance in getting the FDA to release encouraging draft guidance for the artificial pancreas on December. 

Like I mentioned earlier in the month, we have set a new goal for the halfway point of the Campaign: 280 meetings scheduled or held with Members of Congress by December 31. We still need 29 more meetings to reach that goal, so we are going to need your help to get there!

Give the gift of Promise this holiday season by ensuring that your Member of Congress remembers those affected by type 1 diabetes. Make sure you are signed up to attend a meeting today at If you are interested in coordinating a meeting, please let me know by sending me an email at

We need YOU: give the gift of Promise this month and help us reach our new goal!