The Friday Five, Dec. 6

Hi Friends!


We are in the height of the holiday season, and we know how hard it can be to manage your diabetes while traveling and eating all of those delicious family goodies. By planning for a healthy holiday you will ensure that you or a loved one will be stress-free!

Here are five healthy tips for the holidays!


Holiday Travel
When you travel with diabetes you need to plan accordingly. Be sure to have A LOT of snacks handy! When traveling by plane, train or automobile how do you keep your blood sugars in check?Ā 


Fun in the outdoors
Having fun in the snow and being outdoors with family during the holidays, are one of the best places to get some much needed exercise after a hearty meal. It is important to stay warm, because the cold can cause cracked skin and infection which may cause high blood sugar levels. What kind of fun activities do you and your family do in the outdoors during the holidays?


Holiday Stress and Depression
Depression during the holidays is twice as bad for people with T1D.Ā What are your tips for surviving during the holidays.


Weight Control during the holidays
It is extremely common for people with, and without T1D to gain weight during the holidays. How do you stay fit?


T1D Tuesday
We are continuing the What itā€™s Like to Live with a Person with T1D series, for another couple of weeks! Be on the lookout this Tuesday for our next post!Ā 


Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!


~ Gina