Our Teams ROCK! Highlights of the 2021 One Walk


As the 2021 One Walk season comes to a close, we are beyond thrilled to announce that together, the Greater Delaware Valley Chapter has raised….


We would like to sincerely thank the 280 teams, nearly 1,000 participants, volunteers and community partners who joined us to make this huge impact for the T1D community.

While every walker helped conquer T1D, we’d like to give a special shoutout to the Inaugural One Walk Award recipients! These teams and individuals went above and beyond this year to power more research, enable more advocacy and fund more support for the 1.6 million Americans living with T1D.

As they say, each ending is a new beginning…
and we are SO excited to start thinking about One Walk 2022!

But we need YOUR help. One Walk is YOUR event, and this is your chance to put YOUR stamp on it and make it a success by volunteering!

  • Join our Stewardship Committee! This is an amazing opportunity to networking within the T1D community. Ultimately, the stewardship committee is responsible for helping recruit new and returning teams, and cheer on walkers as they reach new fundraising milestones.
  • Join our Experience Committee! This committee is responsible for delivering an engaging, inspiring walk experiences that conveys the JDRF Mission. You’ll help determine Walk needs (including entertainment and activities, marketing/PR, V1P experience, day of event volunteer recruitment, and mission-based activities, route/parking), and solicit in-kind donations and services to meet these needs.
  • Become a Corporate Connector! If you know of a company who might like to get involved with JDRF One Walk, by sponsoring or creating a team, email jmckeever@jdrf.org. By One Walk is a great opportunity for companies to contribute to a cure, boost health and wellness, and receive marketing benefits.

Thank you to our 2021 Local One Walk Sponsors