Advocacy Action Alerts

Alert #1: T1D Community: Tell Your Senator to Reject Healthcare Bill

Within days, the U.S. Senate will be voting on yet another healthcare bill that would put affordable, quality healthcare coverage out of reach for hundreds of thousands of Americans with T1D – including weakening protections for people with pre-existing conditions like T1D.

Over the past several months, you have made your voice heard in Washington — and it has made a difference. Now, we need you to do it again. Click here to send a message directly to your senators to oppose the Graham-Cassidy health bill that would take quality, affordable healthcare away from the T1D community.

By rolling back essential health benefit protections, cutting funding for the Medicaid program, and opening the door to annual and lifetime caps on healthcare coverage, this bill would force the T1D community to pay more for coverage and get less in return.

Instead, senators should join the bipartisan efforts already underway to shore up the insurance markets and improve the healthcare system.

The latest reports are that the vote will be very close. Make your voice heard. Take action today. Two minutes now will help the T1D community for years to come.


Alert #2: Tell Congress: Renew the Special Diabetes Program Now

The Special Diabetes Program (SDP) is a critical program that provides type 1 diabetes research at the National Institutes of Health, the country’s premier medical research agency. Congress created the SDP to address the growing burden of diabetes on people living with the disease, and our nation’s economy.

The Special Diabetes Program has delivered life-changing therapies allowing many more Americans to live longer, healthier lives. Because of diabetes research funded by the SDP, there has been significant progress made toward better treatments, advances in prevention studies, and research to achieve the ultimate objective, a cure.

However, unless Congress takes action, the SDP will expire on September 30 – just a few weeks from now. We need Congress to renew the SDP so researchers can continue making progress toward a cure.

Please take action by personally urging your representative and your senators to support the renewal of this program.

We need your help to ensure that this critical research continues. Stand with the T1D community – complete this short form to urge Congress to renew the SDP.

If you haven’t done so already, please sign up to be a JDRF Advocate. Your voice will help us make a difference in the fight to help turn Type One into Type None.