IU Childhood Diabetes Researchers Secure $5M

An Indiana University-led team will use a $5 million grant to help improve diabetes management techniques in patients under the age of eight. The school says the funding from the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust will focus on barriers for children using new technologies to keep the disease in check.

Indiana University School of Medicine Pediatrics Professor Linda DiMeglio is IU’s lead researcher on the effort. She says “we have known for a long time that low blood sugar levels are bad for the developing brain, but there’s evidence from recent studies that high blood sugar levels also affect brain development. So there’s a great need to work with families and caregivers of young children to get more of their blood sugars in range.”

She says the objective is to make it easier for parents to help their children maintain proper levels, which improves quality-of-life for all.

Source: IU Childhood Diabetes Researchers Secure $5M