TypeOneNation Summit 2019 Survey

We’re so excited to announce that we are planning to hold our first TypeOneNation Summit in Hampton Roads this spring! It will be a free, all-day educational and networking opportunity for the T1D community bringing together T1D experts to share their knowledge on the latest treatments, breakthroughs in research, and the psychosocial aspects of living (and thriving!) with T1D.Please give us your feedback through this survey:Ā https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/H39JD6C
The TypeOneNation Summit is a free, all-day educational and networking opportunity for the T1D community. The Summit brings together T1D experts to share their knowledge on the latest treatments, breakthroughs in research, and the psychosocial aspects of living (and thriving!) with T1D. Our event – to be held on a Saturday in May – will feature talks from leading JDRF-funded researchers and other experts in the field, breakout sessions, and a vendor fair with representatives from diabetes medical device companies, insulin manufacturers, diabetes camps, local healthcare providers, and other diabetes related organizations. This event is designed for all ages at all stages and offers something for everyone: parents, children, teens, adults, grandparents, caregivers, school nurses, healthcare providers, and more.