Use Your Voice to Advocate for JDRF


Throughout the year, our JDRF advocates are hard at work on several critical fronts – sharing their experiences with key decision makers and shedding light on the day-to-day impacts of managing T1D. As a testament to their savvy engagement, at the end of 2020, Congress approved a 3-year renewal of the Special Diabetes Program (SDP) at $150 million annually, committing a total of $450 million for T1D research! This multi-year continuation of this crucial program was the culmination of the hard work and advocacy of our staff and volunteers. In addition, during our spring 2021 New Member Outreach Initiative and Government Day campaigns, advocates held 412 meetings with Members of Congress highlighting the realities of living with T1D and pointing to the importance of supporting research funding and policies that encourage access, affordability, and choice for the T1D community.

If you have not already, sign up to become a JDRF Advocate today! Use your voice to help secure continued Federal funding for important diabetes research, inform health and regulatory policy, and improve the quality of life for those affected by T1D – until we find cures.

Become a JDRF Advocate today!

Be sure to follow JDRF Advocacy on social: @JDRFAdvocacy