Family Walk Team Highlight – Cousins for a Cure!

Just over five years ago, our family was forever changed by a simple trip to the pediatrician.  What we thought was a flu bug or bladder infection turned out to be a diagnosis of something which was nowhere in our family tree, much less on our radar screen – Type 1 Diabetes.   A life free of eating what you want,  sleeping through the night and only seeing a doctor for a yearly  check up was gone……forever.

Our son, Will, was diagnosed with T1D at the age of 23 months – one week before he turned 2.  No one in our immediate family had this disease, so it was somewhat of a shock to us.  Our family quickly learned how much of a commitment it takes to manage this disease day-in and day-out, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for life.   Will has endured 12-14 finger pokes per day since the day he was diagnosed.  Currently, after 5 years of living with this disease, his tiny hands have managed over 22,000 pokes.  This will continue until there is a cure.  As parents, we worry about Will whenever he is not under our wing, as blood sugars fluctuate on a dime.  One minute he’s fine, five minutes later, a blood sugar plunge could send him into unconsciousness or seizures.

We are also not immune to the worry of long-term complications.  The longer an individual lives with Type 1 Diabetes, the greater the chances are for heart complications, kidney failure, loss of limbs and early death.  Our only hope for a life free of blood checks, long term complications and worry is a cure for T1D.  We know this happens only through research, which takes a great amount of funding to make this dream a reality!

Shortly after Will was diagnosed, my niece and nephew were also diagnosed at young ages, strengthening our resolve to find a cure.  We have banded together to form our walk team, “Cousins for a Cure”.   Through our walk team, we have made it our priority to raise funds for JDRF.  Over the past 5 years, we have raised over $25,000 because of the love and generosity of so many friends and family.   We are so touched by so many who donate and/or walk every year.  Fundraising can be very easy, as it is amazing how many people reach out when they know you have a special “#1” in your life who is your cause for fundraising.
This is Will, and together with his cousins, Miles and Caroline, we have chosen to be a part of something bigger and invest in a cure!!!  We want a life of freedom for each person affected with T1D.  Being a part of JDRF means you ARE a part of something bigger and you are showing that you are truly “All for 1”.

Be a part of the Walk to Cure Diabetes!  You are making a difference in the life of someone’s #1!

Will Priest