Family Team Highlight – Team Scott-Mullen The Briggs Street Cruisers

We are Team Scott-Mullen, The Briggs Street Cruisers!!!!

Team Scott-Mullen stands for Trenton Scott and Madeline Mullen.  They are direct next door neighbors who live on Briggs Street!  They were diagnosed within 6 months of each other.  What are the odds?!?!?
Trenton was diagnosed at the age of 2, just a couple of weeks before his 3rd birthday.  Trent is now 8 years old and in the 2nd grade.  He uses needles to receive his insulin, which consists of at least 4 shots a day.  That means he has had at least 6,720 SHOTS!!  Seriously think about that!

Madeline was diagnosed at the age of 5.  She is now 9 years old and in the 3rd grade.  She uses the insulin pump to receive insulin.  Madeline started the pump around a year after diagnosis.  She has her site injected at least three times a week.

So their moms, Traci Scott, and I, Meghan Mullen, decided to join forces to find a cure for our children.  Trenton had a walk team before we joined forces (because Madeline wasn’t diagnosed yet.)  They raised over $10,000!  In our first year as a joint team we also raised over $10,000.  So far we have raised over $37,000!!!!

Madeline and I have a direct connection to the research being conducted for T1D.  My sister, Dr. Maureen McGargill, is the head of her lab at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital where her goal is to find a cure for T1D.  She receives grants from the JDRF to do her research!  She had been working on a cure years before Madeline was diagnosed (again, what are the odds?)  Therefore, we see exactly where the money being raised goes.  My sister, along with every other researcher I have met, says raising money is extremely critical for the researchers to conduct their experiments and keep them going.  Without the money given in grants, awarded by the JDRF, the researcher could not continue to run their labs.  Thus the research would stop and have to start all over.  I get a little of the inside scoop….and a cure is so close.  We need your support money so all the researchers can continue their work!!!

Thank you so much for your support….All for 1!!!

Team Photos from Marty 019