Tell Congress Not to Raise Insurance Rates for T1D Community

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Derek RappThis week, the U.S. House of Representatives is considering a new health reform law that could lead to higher, unaffordable insurance rates for people with type 1 diabetes (T1D).

Specifically, it would give states the option to allow insurance companies—once again—to charge higher premiums based on an individual’s pre-existing conditions, such as T1D. This new bill would allow people with pre-existing conditions like T1D to be excluded from regular insurance plans and sent to “high-risk insurance pools” that charge premiums that are 150 to 200 percent higher than what is charged for typical coverage. These proposals violate the principles for health reform JDRF established in January 2017, which include preserving protections for those with pre-existing conditions. For many years, the T1D community had to battle with insurers that were allowed to deny coverage or charge significantly more to cover people with pre-existing conditions and we want to make sure our community does not have these same battles in the future.

Make your voice count! Click here to let your Member of Congress know that people with T1D should not pay more for their health insurance and that they must oppose the amended American Health Care Act (AHCA).

If we speak with One Voice, we can ensure people with T1D have access to the healthcare they need.

In the meantime, we will continue to work with lawmakers across the political spectrum to craft a healthcare bill that works for everyone—including the T1D community — and to advance all aspects of the JDRF advocacy agenda.


Derek K. Rapp, President & Chief Executive Officer, JDRF

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