ALL OF US: Kate’s & Ryan’s Diagnoses


Editor’s note: This is the second post in the series, “ALL OF US,” by Chelsea Lugone and family, who will share their T1D journey onstage at the 2024 JDRF Central PA Gala on May 18th. Whether or not you are able to join them at the event, you can still support their efforts with a 100% tax-deductible Fund A Cure gift today to accelerate life-changing breakthroughs in T1D research.

Previous postALL OF US: Chelsea’s Diagnosis


Kate’s & Ryan’s Diagnoses


Despite being told by a healthcare professional that my child had a 1% chance of having type 1 diabetes (T1D), here I was, facing one of my worst fears: Kate having a blood sugar of 459.  I can replay the moments, just as if they were yesterday.  After a major tantrum and screaming, “I’m thirsty,” I knew it as soon as she said it, but it was the glucometer reading that sealed her fate.  Life forever changed for my girl that day!

After experiencing the life-changing and world-rocking diagnosis of one of my children, we decided to screen Ryan for T1D-related autoantibodies.  At age 3, we learned Ryan had 3 of the 5 autoantibodies and his fate would be the same as Kate’s.  Another heartache but in a very different way.  I was grateful Ryan was screened because we felt more prepared.  And fortunately, he was caught so early that we were able to initiate insulin dosing early and avoided life-threatening diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).

Although I live with diabetes, there is something about my children having T1D that makes me want to keep them even healthier and less impacted by it—more so than even I work for it myself, and I work hard at it.  And even more for them, I want there to be a cure for T1D!  I will continue to do whatever I can to support JDRF in trying to find it!

When I think about the day Kate was diagnosed, or the day I got the phone call about Ryan’s autoantibodies, I vividly remember feeling so numb and in a total state of shock.

  • Do you remember how you felt when you were told you or your loved one had T1D? What stands out most?
  • Have you or your loved ones had T1D antibody screening? What was your experience? 
  • If you have not done T1D antibody screening, do you have concerns or reservations?


We would love for you to share your story.  Our hope is to share all of our stories at the 2024 JDRF Central PA Gala because this is about #ALLOFUS.  For the chance for your story to be included on signage at the Gala, e-mail and/or tag your story on social media with: #ALLOFUS #JDRFCentralPAGala #JDRFWestCentralPA