Couple from Rosendale take home the Promise Jersey

JDRF is proud to announce that our very own Dan & Theresa Knaus, received the Promise Jersey at the JDRF Ride to Cure Diabetes in Death Valley on October 20th. The Promise Jersey represents a rider who puts others before themselves and recognizes a rider that does not haveT1D, but has made a promise to Ride for a Cure!

Dan first got involved with the JDRF Ride in 2003 when he saw an ad in the newspaper; Dan hadnā€™t ridden a bike since he was a kid. He signed up and completed his first Death Valley Ride. He was hooked!Ā  Two years later he bought a bike for his wife, Theresa, and said, ā€œyou are doing this with me.ā€ They have been doing rides together ever since (and most years participating in two rides). They do not have a T1D connection aside from all of the people they have met on JDRF Rides through the years. Dan has done at least 20 rides (15 in Death Valley), and Theresa has done nearly as many!Ā  They have raised more than $350,000 for JDRF since they started.

Dan and Theresa are the first to encourage new riders and take them under their wings.Ā  If you are struggling on a ride, they are right there with you with a helping hand to get you up a hill. If you drop off the back, who is right beside you … DAN. You can count on Dan and Theresa to be the ones to help unload a truck, fill up your tires, and supply beer, bloodyā€™s, and cheese and sausage at the finish line for our team.

They are the kindest couple you will ever meet and would do ANYTHING for anyone. They are the true definition of the Promise Jersey. Their commitment to the JDRF Ride to Cure Program and funding for JDRF life-saving research is unwavering. We cannot imagine a couple more deserving of receiving the Promise Jersey.