Join us at the 2019 Ride to Cure Diabetes Kick-Off

Have you ever looked at the Ride to Cure Diabetes program and thought, “The ride looks like an awesome experience, but I don’t own a bike” or “It seems like it would be fun, but I can’t ride 100 miles!”  Believe it or not, those are the same sentiments of some of our (now) most experienced Ride to Cure Diabetes participants.

Don’t believe us? Meet Sarah Meidl.  Sarah is Mom to a T1D daughter, a JDRF NEWI board member, and a JDRF Rider.  Listen to what she has to say. “I was never an athletic person. I didn’t play high school sports. I was frequently picked last in gym class to be on a team. I was the awkward, overweight kid nobody wanted on their team. I learned to be ok (or as ok as I could be) with that. When I turned 40, I decided to take a HUGE step outside of my comfort zone. I signed up for a JDRF Ride. I trained with a super supportive team and had the support of a wonderful family and group of friends. The Ride has given me so much. I may never be a bad ass cyclist or win a race, but I’m doing something I never thought possible and I’m changing the world of T1D! That’s pretty awesome for the overweight kid who nobody wanted on their team.” This year Sarah completed not one, but TWO rides…and one of her daughters did it with her!

If you’re like Sarah and are looking to step outside your comfort zone and make an impact on life changing research, join us for a fun evening learning more about our Ride to Cure Diabetes program.  Meet other riders who are interested or have previously participated and get your questions answered.

Whether you choose to ride 25, 60 or even 100 miles, you’ll be surrounded by the T1D community–fellow riders, coaches, friends and family. It’s about the mission not the miles.

Dates (choose one to attend):

Thursday, January 10th– Greene’s Pour House, Neenah (134 W. Wisconsin Ave)

Tuesday, January 15th– Main Street Taps, Stevens Point (956 Main Street)

Thursday, January 17th– Graystone Ale House, De Pere (3711 Monroe Road )



6:00-7:30 p.m

To RSVP Click Here.


Online registration opens at 11 a.m. CST on Wednesday, January 16! To see a full list of locations and for more information visit