U.S. Congress Votes to Renew the Special Diabetes Program (SDP)!

Congrats again, JDRFers!

As one of the final acts of the 112th Congress, the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate approved a broad bipartisan bill that included $150 million for the Special Diabetes Program (SDP), extending the program for an additional year. The measure is expected to be signed by the President shortly.

This accomplishment is due to the tremendous leadership of our champions on Capitol Hill and to the incredible efforts of you – the JDRF volunteer who spends countless hours advocating for this critical research funding.  With this extension, our nation can continue to make remarkable scientific progress in managing and treating type 1 diabetes while working towards a cure, and improving lives while reducing health care costs to our nation.

Once the new Congress convenes, we will be back in touch to let you know how you can contact your Members of Congress to share your appreciation. But in the meantime, we want to thank you for your great advocacy efforts and wish you a Happy New Year!

Thanks for your support over the last year… we’ll be back at again this year and will continue to need your support, so here’s to another year of great advocacy efforts by you!

Hasan Shah
JDRF Advocacy