August Cure Champion

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One of the most stressful parts of living with type 1 diabetes (T1D) is making sure you receive your sensors, transmitters, infusion sets and cartridges on time from your Durable Medical Equipment (DME) supplier.

Running out of sensors for your continuous glucose monitor (CGM) or infusion sets for your insulin pump isn’t just inconvenient, it’s an emergency.

Reliable Diabetes Care, a local, independently owned DME supplier of Dexcom and FreeStyle Libre CGM, Tandem t:slim X2, Beta Bionics iLet, and Medtronic pumps and supplies, understands the urgency and responsibility that comes with filling prescriptions for diabetes care supplies, on time.

Contracted with Blue Cross, Harvard Pilgrim, and Tufts Health Plan among other major commercial insurances, Medicare and each New England state’s Medicaid program, Reliable has locations in each New England state, including their headquarters located just outside of Boston.

One of their primary goals is to make the process of filling a prescription for diabetes management supplies easier for both patients and providers.

The JDRF Greater New England Chapter is proud to announce that Reliable Diabetes Care has joined as Presenting Sponsor for all three Greater New England JDRF One Walk locations in Portland, ME on September 23, Boston, MA on September 30, and Johnston, RI on October 15.

“The Reliable Team is grateful and excited for the opportunity to work with JDRF for another year. Our team loves to attend JDRF events, whether that be the Walks, TypeOne Nation, Gala, or T1D Out, and we are excited to walk alongside the T1D Community this Fall,” said Nick Falkson, Product Manager.

For more information or to become a patient, please visit:

Web: ReliableDiabetesCare.Com
Call: 781-501-9075
Email: PriorityService@ReliableDiabetesCare.Com
Instagram: @reliablediabetescare