Your Voice + JDRF = Victory for Diabetes Research


The SDP (Special Diabetes Program) supports research to cure, treat, and prevent type 1 diabetes.  The program has demonstrated tangible results and has become a critical part of our nation’s federal investment in diabetes research, treatment and prevention efforts. The program currently provides $150 million per year for each part of the program.

Please go to to find out how to join the advocacy program. You will receive updates and emails occasionally.  The SDP currently is voted on for a one year only renewal. If it fails to pass it would be a devastating blow to research.  Sometimes the SDP is attached to a larger bill at the last minute of a Congressional session. If you are registered as an advocate you will get updates on the bill’s status and at times a request to call, text, or email your Congressman. It takes a few minutes but in the final hours of negotiation on the Hill, a simple email at a local level can make a difference.