Diatech Diabetic Technologies – T1D Interviews Needed


Meet John Wilcox and his team from Diatech Diabetic Technologies, Inc. John lives with #T1D and is co-founder of this growing startup. His company is designing a new system for insulin pumps to alert patients, or a patient’s parent, when an infusion site is not working properly (unknown leakages, blockages, dislodgment from the skin, or injection into damaged tissue). His team is performing phone interviews with parents to better understand the issue of malfunctioning infusion sites and how to develop their technology for children with diabetes. The interviews take about 20-25 minutes and all recorded information remains anonymous. If you are interested in being interviewed, please reach out to John through his email address, jwilcox@diatechdiabetes.com, or his personal phone number, which is (321) 693-6414.

To learn more, visit their website at www.diatechdiabetes.com

Learn more about John here: John Wilcox – Introduction Letter